Posts filed under: LGBTQIA

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted an entry. After my last post back in June, work picked up and really got in the way of being able to post here. There’s a number of entries that I’ve written, but none have made it up yet. Editing takes awhile for me. But I miss writing, so......
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Ten years ago, and before that, the person that I was was beholden to anxieties.  From when I was a young child I was told I was a boy. I was taught that boys act and dress one way, and girls act and dress another. ...
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What is sex? What is gender? What is sexuality, and how do they relate? Lets find out......
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I have these thoughts and phrases that I call Su-isms. They are mainly ideas & beliefs that have come up repeatedly in my life. One of them is: Most comfortable when most exposed.   I began writing a blog on this topic, I had an idea in mind, but when I put pen to paper......
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