All posts by: Su

For decades I referred to myself using male pronouns.  It made sense at one point because I looked male.  It never felt right, but nothing felt right. I went through life not feeling like I was human—straddling a line between male and female and not belonging in either group.  As I got older my body......
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It’s been awhile since I’ve posted an entry. After my last post back in June, work picked up and really got in the way of being able to post here. There’s a number of entries that I’ve written, but none have made it up yet. Editing takes awhile for me. But I miss writing, so......
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Ten years ago, and before that, the person that I was was beholden to anxieties.  From when I was a young child I was told I was a boy. I was taught that boys act and dress one way, and girls act and dress another. ...
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On my left, through the trees, I could see the sun reflecting off of a lake. The water sparkled and looked inviting, but there was no obvious trail to it. Stared off at the lake I wanted the day to be done.  I thought about walking into the underbrush and mingling with the trees. ...
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On social media, others around the world can possibly see some part of themselves in you, some part of your face, something about they way you dress, or a way you act and talk--some part they only know to hide.  Find others helps themselves to feel normal....
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